Thought it would be nice to know if anyone is actually reading my daily ramblings plus that and my friend John one of the mods at statcounter pointed out I hadn't installed it. Thank you John. So I thought right, statcounter installation on a blog. Now installing statcounter on my sites is easy all you do is open up your page in your favourite editor and plonk the code generated on your project (provided free at within the body tags and away you go but with a blog I have no idea.
First thing I did was click customise and would you believe it you can edit the html. So that was that, first I threw in the code from my site to check it works and it did. So of I went to start a new project at statcounter, and while going through the simple procedure to get my code for my new project. Would you believe it statcounter has a tutorial on adding statcounter your blog and its even easier than what I did, no html editing needed HA! Anyway to save anyone going through what I did here is the tutorial:
Blogger (New Blogger) - StatCounter Code Installation Instructions
1. With your mouse, highlight ALL the code in the box above
2. Press and hold down the ctrl key, keeping the key held down press the 'c' key. (this will (c)opy the highlighted text into memory)
3. Log in to your Blogger account.
4. On the first "New Post" click "Layout".
5. Click "Add a Page Element".
6. Choose the "HTML/JavaScript" then click, "Add To Blog".
7. Paste the StatCounter code into the space provided. (ctrl v)
8. Click "Save Changes".
Blogger (Old Blogger) - StatCounter Code Installation Instructions
1. With your mouse, highlight ALL the code in the box above
2. Press and hold down the ctrl key, keeping the key held down press the 'c' key. (this will (c)opy the highlighted text into memory)
3. Log in to your Blogger account and then
4. Click "Change Settings"
5. Click "Template"
6. Scroll down until you find the "Powered by Blogger" line (you'll see the "bloggerbutton1.gif")
7. Paste the StatCounter Code (ctrl v)
8. Click "Save Template Changes"
9. Publish Site