Apologies for the lack of updates lately. I've been ill and its amazing how far you can fall behind when a little illness hits you. So what's happened since I last posted. I've came up with a way to speed up my arcade site
http://247mgf.co.uk and reduce (or hopefully stop the internal server 500 errors). I did this by reducing the number of mySQL queries to create a page (currently the homepage), I plan to reduce the number even further and extend it to other pages once I am sure it is working well.
What else? I tested my php & mySQL skills by recreating the Mister Linker site but more about this in another post.
What about income, well as expected I haven't done so great! This is the totals for the month to date (22-11-2007).
Widgetbucks: $12.84 + $0.17 referral income
Last month I made a whopping $0.33. Plus I have my $25.00 signup bonus. So this month is certainly an improvement. 2 referrals so far also. This has been doing quite well for a low traffic site like I have however there have been concerns over the logging of impressions and clicks.
Adbrite: $0.25 this month, last month was $0.42.
Bidvertiser: $0.21. I'll never get this though as I have stopped using them on my site as my stats disagreed with there's.
BigFish: $6.27. I have had 6 referrals sign up and 1 which has gone on to purchase a game / pack which earned me $6.27. I have created a site using the free software supplied by
BigFish at
247freegamesdownloads.co.uk which seems to be picking up traffic all on its own.
Ciao: £0.51 (not a mistake it is added up in sterling). I haven't done much with this apart from completed a couple of surveys but you spent the time doing reviews and surveys etc. I think it would certainly add up.
Blogsvertise: $2. Only been offered the one task which was paid at a reduced price of $2.
Money4banners: £5. These continue to pay the £5 per month for the 3 banners ads placed on my
always24-7.co.uk site.
As yet I haven't been paid out for any of these as and when I do I will post.